Cultural transformation makes custom wedding dress Palembang undergo significant changes at the present time. Those changes make the Palembang people are increasingly leaving old cultures, especially in traditional wedding clothes in Palembang. Bridal wear in Palembang now leads to the bridal wear more "modern" in which the bridal wear that many elements of the new design is modified to make it look more modern and more simple to use. bridal wear now on the use of accessories and jewelry that comes from bridal wear traditional Palembang History that has cultural values, essence and aesthetics, sometimes is not used on bridal wear is now in Palembang. All that can be seen from the development of economic status, social and cultural rights in Palembang. The number of incoming foreign cultures and marriage among other areas, making the norms of culture that is often overlooked, so that create a new culture at Palembang city. This makes the authors wanted to find a solution to the present marriage that occurred at Palembang city can keep running without losing the essence and aesthetics of the wedding dress in accordance with the customs of the culture produced by the ancestors.
Keywords : Cultural Transformation, Bridal Wear, Culture’s Palembang
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