Bunga Wulan Kinanti


The aim of this research to analyze the inner conflict of the main character in the novel "Teluk Alaska" by Eka Aryani through a literary psychology approach. The analysis focuses on three main aspects of personality, namely id, ego and superego displayed by the main characters, Anastasia Mysha and Alister Reygan. Using qualitative descriptive methods, this research identifies how the inner conflicts and psychological dynamics of the characters influence the storyline and interactions between the characters. The research results show that Ana and Alister show various psychological dimensions: Ana often shows reflex actions that reflect aspects of the id, while Ana's ego can be seen from her ability to make mature decisions. Ana's superego is dominant in her patience in dealing with various situations. On the other hand, Alister shows difficulty in controlling his id, with an ego that helps in solving problems, but has a weak superego which is reflected in his anger and lack of application of moral values. It is hoped that this research can be used as a reference for teachers, students and students in studying literature as well as for further research on moral, religious and social values in literary works.

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