Hendi Eka Sumarga


This study aims to analyze the effects of satisfaction, quality, and
experiential marketing on the creation of word of mouth in the
application WhatsApp. This study uses three independent variables of
satisfaction, quality, and experiential marketing with one dependent
variable ie word of mouth. The use of variables in this study is expected
to know how the process occurs and what are the factors driving the
creation of word of mouth in WhatsApp application. The sample of this
research is user of WhatsApp application from student of Faculty of
Economics and Business of University of Muhammadiyah Tangerang.
Samples were taken with non probability sampling technique. Data
analysis of 160 respondents was done using Structural Equation
Modeling (SEM) as an analysis tool using LISREL 8.8 software. Based on
the results of data analysis, shows that: experiential marketing variables
have a positive influence and the greatest influence on word of mouth
WhatsApp applications, satisfaction variable has a positive influence on
word of mouth WhatsApp applications. The quality variable has the
least positive effect on word of mouth WhatsApp applications.

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