Mulia Alim, Hesty Erviani Z


Non performing loans are defined as risks associated with the likelihood
of failure of the client to pay its obligations or the risk that the debtor
can not repay the debt. NPLs reflect credit risk, the smaller the NPL the
less the credit risk borne by the bank. In order for the bank's value to
this ratio to be good, Bank Indonesia sets the net NPL ratio below 5%.
In addition to domestic and foreign economic problems, it turns out that
some of the financial ratios held by the Bank can give effect to the
change in NPL value at Commercial Banks. This study aims to analyze
the influence of liquidity and solvency ratios (LDR, LAR and DER), the
amount of credit, inflation rate and BI Rate to the ratio of nonperforming
loans (NPL) to commercial banks and simultaneously
analyze the comparison of NPL Performance in state-owned Commercial
Banks (BUMN) with Private Banks domestic (BSDN).

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