Intan Anjani Daeng Gumara, Rika Sukmawati, Ratu Sarah Fauziah Iskandar


This study aims to determine the influence of mathematical logic intelligence and students' confidence on problem-solving abilities. The method used in this study was a quantitative survey method by taking a sample of 34 students randomly. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire instrument for intelligence, logic, mathematics and self-confidence, while the test instrument for problem solving ability is in the form of a description question consisting of 5 questions. Testing the hypothesis of mathematical logic intelligence variables with problem-solving ability obtained tcount 2.750 > ttable 2.040 and Sig. value of 0.010 < 0.05 test criteria, it can be concluded that there is an influence of mathematical logic intelligence on problem solving ability. While the hypothesis of students' self-confidence with problem-solving ability was obtained tcount 2.529 > ttable 2.040 and Sig. value of 0.017 < 0.05 test criteria, it can be concluded that there is an influence of self-confidence on problem solving ability. Test the hypothesis of mathematical logic intelligence and students' confidence in problem solving ability obtained regression equation Y = -41.487 + 0.508X1+ 0.336X2 with a value of Fcalculate 17.206 > Ftable 3.295 and Sig. values of 0.000 < 0.05 which means that there is a significant influence of mathematical logic intelligence and confidence on problem solving ability. The R Square value obtained is 0.526, which means that simultaneously the variables of intelligence, mathematical logic and self-confidence affect problem solving ability by 52.6%.

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