This research is motivated by the low ability of students' mathematical problem-solving. One reason is the need for instructional media, so students feel less interested in learning mathematics. In teaching, media technology can be used, one of which is by using augmented reality which has the advantage of being able to project objects. Therefore, learning media based on augmented reality is needed to improve mathematical problem-solving abilities with the help of Instagram social media filters. Instagram was chosen because it is easy to use, and many users already use it. This development research adopts the ADDIE development model, which has five stages, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 1 Waringinkurung, with 24 students as test subjects for class VIII students. The results of due diligence based on three material experts and three media experts obtained a percentage of 89.41% and 86.33%, respectively, both of which were included in the very decent category. The response of students and teachers in this research was excellent, with a teacher percentage of 89.95% and a teacher percentage of 89.09%, both of which fall into the convenience category. Then, students' mathematical problem-solving abilities increased to the moderate category after learning with the developed learning media. The N-Gain Score result of 66.23% is included in the medium criteria. Then, based on the one-way paired t-test, the results of the posttest increase were t-count = 15.25 and t-table = 1.71, which means t-count > t-table. This shows that students experienced a rise in the average posttest score compared to the average pretest score. Based on this, the developed learning media meets the criteria of being feasible, practical, and effective to be applied in learning mathematics.
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