This study aims to determine the effect of the use of Interactive Learning Media on the mathematical learning achievement of grade VIII MTs Al Azhaar um Suwanah students. This study used Quasi-Experimental research method with Pretest-Posttest Non Equivalent Control Group Design research design. The population subjects in this study were all students of grade VIII MTs Al-Azhaar um Suwanah, by taking a sample of two classes of 56 students, namely class VIII-1 which amounted to 28 students as the Experimental class and class VIII-2 which amounted to 28 students as the Control class. Data collection techniques using instruments on students' mathematical learning achievement in the form of essays. Based on the results of the data obtained, the highest score on the Pretest instrument of the Experimental class was 75, with the lowest score of 50. As for the highest score on the Experimental class Postest instrument of 90, with the lowest score of 60. And for the highest score on the Control class Pretest instrument of 75, with the lowest score of 55. As for the highest score on the Control class Posttest instrument of 85, with the lowest score of 60. Based on the results of t-test analysis of students' mathematical learning outcomes, it can be seen that the calculated t valueis 5.894 with a significance of 0.000. A significance value that indicates 0.000. t table = 2.005. The data requirements of variable X affect variable Y if tcount = 5.894 > ttable = 2.005. So H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. This is also supported by the mean value of the experimental class of 81.07 greater than that of the control class of 71.25. Which means that there is an influence of interactive learning media on the mathematical learning achievement of grade VIII MTs Al-Azhaar um Suwanah 1 students.
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