Kata Kunci: Ekonomi Kreatif, Produk Sambal Bakar, Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM), Desa Benjor
The Benjor village community who are members of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have become a community of innovators who are able to see opportunities, enthusiasm, and ability to enrich the market with their innovative products. Community Service activities aim to find out the potential of the village in terms of developing Sambal Bakar Pawon Benjor Products to increase community income, especially women in Benjor Village. The mentoring carried out in the Benjor Village community consists of the design stage by making label designs on product packaging, Business License Numbers (NIB), and creating Instagram accounts as a promotional medium. Then socialization was conducted on how to properly store food as well as how to sterilize the packaging. After that, a demonstration of making Sambal Bakar Pawon Benjor was performed by the mothers of Benjor Village. The result of this MSME mentoring is that women in Benjor Village are familiar with how to cook Sambal Bakar as well as how to cannage and sterilize food that is maintained and lasts a long time, as well as building awareness about innovation in the field of creative economy which then makes Sambal Bakar Pawon Benjor MSMEs a flagship product of Benjor Village. Furthermore, it is expected that with the existence of UMKM Sambal Bakar Pawon Benjor, other potentials in Benjor Village can be further explored and developed.
Keywords: Creative Economy, Sambal Bakar Products, UMKM, Benjor Village
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