Kata Kunci: kulit pisang, daun talas, pangan fungsional, biskuit
Jambuluwuk Village in Ciawi District is mostly inhabited by banana farmers and traders. The residents' gardens are also overgrown with taro plants. Banana peel and taro leaf waste is currently only thrown away or used as animal feed. Banana peels and taro leaves contain compounds that are beneficial to health, such as for the treatment and prevention of hypertension, diabetes mellitus (DM) or as antioxidants. Both of them also have the potential to be processed into functional foods such as biscuits. Biscuits with a sweet, savory and crunchy taste can be consumed by all ages. This activity aims to improve partner skills so that they can develop their business, increase their income and welfare. The activity began with counseling and explaining the benefits of banana peels, taro leaves and the meaning of functional food. Next, how to make banana peel flour and taro leaves which are safe for consumption, followed by how to make biscuits. And finally, it provides an explanation of how to pack and manage its marketing so that the resulting product sells well in the market and has economic value.
Keywords: banana peels, taro leaves, functional food, biscuits
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