Scoring Setting and Infrastructure di Kampus Politeknik Negeri Medan Berdasar UI GreenMetric

Muhammad Taufiq, Nasfryzal Carlo, Dwifitra Y Jumas, Eva Rita, Lusi Utama


Abstract - Green Campus is a concept that supports sustainable and environmentally sound
development by involving the academic community in the campus environment. Campus Strategic Plan
of Medan State Polytechnic (Polmed) proclaims to be a green campus in 2025. One of Polmed's efforts
to participate in sustainable development is by participating in the UI GreenMetric World University
Ranking program. One of the assessment categories is Setting and Infrastructure. This research
focuses on the Setting and Infrastructure indicator with the assessment criteria being the ratio of open
space to campus area, total campus area covered by forest vegetation, total campus area covered by
plant vegetation, total campus area for water absorption, total open space area to campus population,
percentage of campus budget for sustainable efforts, percentage of building operation and
maintenance activities in one year, campus facilities for the disabled, special needs, security and safety
facilities, health infrastructure, conservation programs. The results showed that the score obtained
from the Polmed campus is currently 440 out of 1500 expected. To increase the score, a vertical garden
or rooftop garden can be implemented on the criteria of plant vegetation, making biopore infiltration
holes and replacing paving blocks with grass blocks on the criteria of water catchment areas, installing
guiding blocks and making ramps for the criteria of facilities for the disabled, and blocking

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