Academic achievement can’t be solely viewed in terms of GPA and cognitive abilities but needs to be supported by emotional intelligence. How many found in daily life people who succeed not because of high GPA but because they have high emotional intelligence, also found people who have high intellectual intelligence with high GPA actually fail in everyday life due to not having emotional intelligence. Academic achievement is also influenced by external and internal factors, the ability of media literacy to be an important internal part of student academic achievement, due to media literacy is one of the challenge in discussion that filtered a negative impact on past media and critically thinking about messages that should be found from media. This study was conducted to determine the effect of emotional intelligence on the ability of media literacy from 354 sample respondent of private university in Serang City using a quantitative approach. Emotional intelligence was measured using 5 dimensions and 15 indicators while ability of media literacy was measured using 7 indicators. The results from conformatory factor analysis using the measurement model obtained all indicators are valid and reliable in measured the latent variables. As well as the results of inner model analysis where the model has goodness of fit. From the five hypothesis test results that had been formulated at the beginning showed that each dimension of emotional intelligence had a positive and significant effect on the ability of media literacy with a magnitude of influence of 69.1%.
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