Keywords: video pembelajaran, Camtasia, IPA.
This study aims to develop Camtasia-assisted video media in science lessons on animal life cycle material for fourth grade elementary school. The video media is to make it easier for students to understand science learning about animal life cycle materials. This research belongs to the type of research and development R&D (research and development) with the ADDIE model, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation. Data collection through observation, product design using Camtasia software and applications. The Camtasia-assisted video product assessment was validated by media and material experts, namely two lecturers at the Muslim Nusantara University Al-Washliyah Medan and student test results. The results of the assessment from the validation stage are used as material for revising the video. The development of the revised video was tested on fourth grade elementary school students. The results showed that the results of the validation by material expert validators and video media for science learning animal life cycle materials were included in the "good" category and were suitable for use. After revisions were made, the science learning videos for animal life cycle materials were tested on fourth grade elementary school students, including in the "good" category and suitable for use as learning media. Thus, the development of Camtasia-assisted video media in science lessons for grade IV SD is appropriate for schools, teachers and students to use.
Keywords: learning video, Camtasia, IPA.
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Undang-Undang RI No. 20 tahun 2003 Tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional.
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