Amanda Nur Fadilah


This study aims to explain and examine more deeply the meaning of the images in the book and the language codes in the literary work Mariposa by Luluk HF. This study is descriptive qualitative in nature, using Semiotics and Stylistics theory and the approach used is a pragmatic approach. This study uses Semiotics theory because the cover of the novel has its own meaning and uses Stylistics theory because in the novel there are language styles, such as Simile figure of speech, Personification figure of speech, Antonimasia figure of speech, Hyperbole figure of speech, Tautotes figure of speech, Metaphor figure of speech, Climax figure of speech and the approach used is a pragmatic approach. The author wants to reveal his income and express his ideas in this article, so that readers will know what the cover image of the novel means and also know what figures of speech are used in the novel Mariposa. The main tool for this study is based on the novel Mariposa which was researched and studied by the author.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31000/cpu.v0i0.12362

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