Putri Mariyah Ulfah


This research aims to investigate and explain several main aspects: analysis of literary works, understanding of literary anthropology in the context of the film "Athirah", and cultural exploration related to the film. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach with a focus on literary anthropology. The data analysis method used is an interactive analysis technique. The results of the research show that: Cultural values such as kinship, tradition and social norms are reflected in the story and characters of the film. Literary anthropology theories such as structuralist theory and functionalism theory are applied to analyze how the film "Athirah" depicts social and cultural life. introduced to the wider community about Makassar culture and the customs of the Bugis people. And overall, this film has a very important role in celebrating, preserving and depicting culture. Through films, we can understand and appreciate the diversity of cultures in this world. And also as a means to introduce and appreciate Makassar Bugis culture to the audience.

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