Peran Kepemimpinan Di Puskesmas Terhadap Kinerja Organisasi Dan Kualitas Pelayanan Kesehatan : Literature Review
The role of leadership, which is highly strategic and vital to the achievement of the mission, vision and purpose of an organization, is one of the motives that motivates human beings to always investigate the complexities associated with leadership. This research is a literature review that analyzes the influence of leadership in improving the performance of organizations and the quality of human resources. The design of the research used is a methodology of literary review that relates to The Role of Leadership in Community Health Centers on Organizational Performance and Quality of Health Services . The method used is the electronic data base method, searching journals using google schoolar with the keyword “Leadership Role” of which a total of 22,500 will journal but only use 10 journales that meet the criteria. The result of the literature review on these 10 journals is that leadership has a significant influence on organizational performance and the quality of human resources. Effective leadership can create positive changes in building quality SDM, improving the working environment, and the quality of public service. However, there are barriers such as lack of training, involvement in decision-making, and inconsistencies in awarding and sanctions that need to be overcome. In addition, supporting variables such as motivation and compensation are also important in determining the quality of SDM performance. Therefore, the application of good leadership roles and appropriate supporting strategies is essential to achieving success and quality improvement in various organizational contexts.
Keyword : Leadership, Quality, Organizational Performance
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