Publication Frequencies

Journal Accounting Science and Technology publish two times a year, periodically in July and February. The first publication was in July 2020, 

This journal using a continuous publishing model. This means that as soon as an article is prepared it will be released online, creating a quick flow of quality articles. When an issue cycle closes, articles will go to print and the next issue will commence online.

The Continuous Publishing model benefits from the online system, allowing the immediate publication of an article as soon as it is ready; that is, peer-reviewed, approved by the Editorial Board, copyedited, typeset, and proofread. This way an approved article does not need to wait until a particular issue of the journal is completed, providing a better service to writers and readers by securing faster publishing to the scientific community. The journal will continue to gather articles for two issues per year, with the publishing deadlines on the last day of June, and December.

With the publication of articles no longer dictated by our print schedule, your readers, students, and colleagues can access our content and cite articles much faster.