- Focus and Scope
- Section Policies
- Peer Review Process
- Open Access Policy
- Archiving
- Reviewer Guidelines
- Etika Publikasi (Publications Ethics)
- Publication Frequency
- Plagiarism Policy
- Withdrawal of Manuscripts
- Retraction
- Correction
- Self-deposit Policy
- AI-Assisted Research and Writing Policy
- Author Fee
Focus and Scope
Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan Indonesia (JIKI) is an open-access journal that mainly focuses on publishing research results in accordance with the fields of nursing and health science. Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan Indonesia (JIKI) is published by the Faculty of Health Sciences, Muhammadiyah University of Tangerang. Published articles can come from academic writers, such as students and lecturers, health researchers, or nurses. Published articles are research results in surgical medical nursing, community and family nursing, basic nursing, maternity nursing, pediatric, gerontology, psychiatric nursing, and nursing management that have never been published elsewhere.
Section Policies
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Peer Review Process
Each article submitted to the Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan Indonesia (JIKI) will undergo an Initial Review process by the editorial team. The first decision after submission will be made within 60 days. After this initial decision, the articles will be sent to peer reviewers (at least two reviewers) for a Single-Blind Peer Review process. The article will then be returned to the author for revision. This entire process takes a maximum of 3 to 5 months.
In each manuscript, peer reviewers will evaluate both substantial and technical aspects. The peer reviewers are experts in the relevant scientific field and have the necessary expertise to assess the content and analysis presented in the manuscript.
The decision for publication, revision, or rejection is based upon their reports/recommendation. After being reviewed, there will be four kinds of editor decision based on reviewers’ recommendation:
- Accept Submission: The submission will be accepted without revisions.
- Revisions Required: The submission will be accepted after minor changes have been made.
- Resubmit for Review: The submission needs to be re-worked, but with significant changes, may be accepted. It will require a second round of review, however.
- Decline Submission: The submission will not be published in the journal.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...
Reviewer Guidelines
Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan Indonesia (JIKI) menerapkan proses peer-review yang bertujuan untuk memastikan kualitas ilmiah, keakuratan, dan kontribusi orisinal dari manuskrip yang diterima untuk dipublikasikan. Semua manuskrip yang diserahkan ke JIKI akan melalui proses peer-review yang dilakukan oleh reviewer yang ahli di bidangnya.
Penyerahan Manuskrip:
- Penulis mengirimkan manuskrip melalui sistem OJS (Open Journal Systems) JIKI. Manuskrip yang diterima akan melalui proses pemeriksaan awal oleh tim editorial.
Pemeriksaan Awal oleh Editor:
- Editor melakukan penilaian awal untuk memeriksa apakah manuskrip sesuai dengan fokus dan ruang lingkup jurnal, serta memeriksa kepatuhan terhadap pedoman penulisan.
- Manuskrip yang tidak memenuhi syarat akan dikembalikan kepada penulis untuk direvisi atau ditolak.
Pengiriman ke Reviewer:
- Manuskrip yang lolos pemeriksaan awal akan dikirimkan kepada dua atau lebih reviewer yang memiliki keahlian relevan dengan topik manuskrip.
- Proses review dilakukan dengan sistem single-blind review, di mana identitas penulis disembunyikan dari reviewer, tetapi identitas reviewer diketahui oleh penulis.
Proses Review:
- Reviewer akan menilai manuskrip berdasarkan kriteria berikut:
- Keaslian dan kontribusi ilmiah.
- Kekuatan metodologi.
- Kejelasan penyajian dan struktur manuskrip.
- Kesesuaian hasil dengan tujuan dan pertanyaan penelitian.
- Relevansi referensi dan kepatuhan terhadap pedoman sitasi.
- Reviewer akan memberikan salah satu rekomendasi berikut:
- Diterima tanpa revisi.
- Diterima dengan revisi minor.
- Diterima dengan revisi mayor.
- Ditolak.
- Reviewer akan menilai manuskrip berdasarkan kriteria berikut:
Keputusan Editor:
- Editor akan meninjau kembali rekomendasi dari reviewer dan membuat keputusan akhir. Jika diperlukan, editor dapat meminta reviewer tambahan atau mengadakan diskusi lebih lanjut untuk menentukan keputusan.
- Keputusan akhir akan dikomunikasikan kepada penulis, disertai dengan komentar dari reviewer yang dapat membantu penulis memperbaiki manuskrip.
Revisi oleh Penulis:
- Jika diperlukan revisi, penulis diminta untuk mengirimkan versi revisi manuskrip dalam batas waktu yang ditentukan. Revisi harus disertai dengan surat penjelasan (cover letter) yang menjelaskan bagaimana komentar reviewer telah diatasi.
Review Ulang:
- Jika manuskrip memerlukan revisi mayor, versi revisi akan dikirimkan kembali ke reviewer yang sama untuk dievaluasi ulang.
- Proses ini bisa berulang hingga reviewer dan editor puas dengan kualitas manuskrip.
- Manuskrip yang telah disetujui akan dijadwalkan untuk dipublikasikan di edisi mendatang dari JIKI.
- Penulis akan menerima bukti cetak untuk diperiksa sebelum publikasi final.
- Kerahasiaan: Reviewer harus menjaga kerahasiaan manuskrip dan tidak mengungkapkan isinya kepada pihak ketiga tanpa izin dari editor.
- Objektivitas: Reviewer harus memberikan penilaian yang objektif dan tidak memihak. Konflik kepentingan harus dihindari atau dilaporkan kepada editor.
- Transparansi: Setiap kecurigaan terhadap plagiarisme, manipulasi data, atau pelanggaran etika lainnya harus dilaporkan kepada editor.
- Proses peer-review di JIKI biasanya memakan waktu 3 hingga 4 minggu. Penulis akan diberi tahu jika proses ini memerlukan waktu lebih lama.
- Sebagai apresiasi atas kontribusi reviewer dalam proses peer-review, JIKI memberikan Sertifikat Penghargaan kepada reviewer yang telah menyelesaikan penilaian manuskrip. Sertifikat ini akan diberikan secara digital melalui email setelah proses review selesai.
- Sertifikat Penghargaan ini mencerminkan kontribusi berharga reviewer dalam menjaga standar kualitas publikasi di JIKI.
Etika Publikasi (Publications Ethics)
Panduan Etika Publikasi
Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan Indonesia (JIKI) berkomitmen untuk menjaga integritas dan kualitas ilmiah dalam publikasi. Oleh karena itu, setiap pihak yang terlibat dalam proses penerbitan—termasuk penulis, editor, reviewer, dan penerbit—diharapkan mematuhi standar etika publikasi berikut, yang diadopsi dari pedoman Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (https://publicationethics.org/core-practices) dan International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) (https://www.icmje.org/news-and-editorials/updated_recommendations_jan2024.html ).
1. Tanggung Jawab Penulis
- Keaslian dan Orisinalitas:
- Penulis harus memastikan bahwa manuskrip yang dikirimkan merupakan karya asli dan belum pernah dipublikasikan sebelumnya atau tidak sedang dipertimbangkan untuk dipublikasikan di tempat lain.
- Setiap penggunaan kata, data, atau ide dari sumber lain harus disertai dengan sitasi yang sesuai untuk menghindari plagiarisme.
- Pengakuan Sumber:
- Penulis harus mengakui dan menyebutkan semua sumber yang relevan yang telah berkontribusi pada penelitian mereka.
- Referensi yang relevan harus disebutkan dalam teks dan daftar pustaka sesuai dengan pedoman sitasi yang berlaku.
- Penulisan Bersama:
- Semua individu yang telah memberikan kontribusi signifikan pada penelitian harus terdaftar sebagai penulis bersama. Penulis utama harus memastikan bahwa semua penulis yang layak diakui dan tidak ada penulis yang tidak berhak dimasukkan.
- Pengungkapan dan Konflik Kepentingan:
- Penulis harus mengungkapkan segala bentuk dukungan keuangan atau konflik kepentingan yang mungkin mempengaruhi hasil atau interpretasi penelitian mereka.
- Koreksi Kesalahan:
- Jika penulis menemukan kesalahan signifikan atau ketidakakuratan dalam manuskrip yang diterbitkan, mereka harus segera memberi tahu editor jurnal dan bekerja sama untuk memperbaiki atau menarik kembali manuskrip tersebut.
2. Tanggung Jawab Editor
- Keputusan Publikasi:
- Editor bertanggung jawab untuk menentukan artikel mana yang harus diterbitkan berdasarkan validitas karya, pentingnya bagi pembaca, dan rekomendasi dari reviewer.
- Keadilan:
- Editor harus mengevaluasi manuskrip semata-mata berdasarkan konten intelektualnya tanpa memandang ras, jenis kelamin, orientasi seksual, keyakinan agama, etnis, kewarganegaraan, atau pandangan politik penulis.
- Kerahasiaan:
- Editor harus menjaga kerahasiaan semua manuskrip yang diajukan dan tidak mengungkapkan informasi apa pun tentang manuskrip tersebut kepada siapa pun selain penulis, reviewer, dan penerbit.
- Pengungkapan dan Konflik Kepentingan:
- Editor tidak boleh menggunakan informasi yang belum dipublikasikan yang diungkapkan dalam manuskrip yang dikirimkan untuk keuntungan pribadi mereka sendiri tanpa persetujuan tertulis dari penulis.
3. Tanggung Jawab Reviewer
- Kontribusi untuk Keputusan Editorial:
- Reviewer membantu editor dalam membuat keputusan editorial dan melalui komunikasi editorial dengan penulis, dapat membantu penulis dalam memperbaiki manuskrip.
- Kerahasiaan:
- Manuskrip yang diterima untuk ditinjau harus diperlakukan sebagai dokumen rahasia. Reviewer tidak boleh menunjukkan atau mendiskusikan manuskrip ini dengan orang lain kecuali dengan izin dari editor.
- Objektivitas:
- Penilaian harus dilakukan secara objektif, dan komentar harus disampaikan dengan jelas disertai dengan argumen yang mendukung.
- Pengungkapan dan Konflik Kepentingan:
- Reviewer tidak boleh meninjau manuskrip di mana mereka memiliki konflik kepentingan yang dihasilkan dari hubungan kompetitif, kolaboratif, atau lainnya dengan salah satu penulis, perusahaan, atau institusi terkait dengan karya tersebut.
4. Pencegahan Plagiarisme
- JIKI memiliki kebijakan zero tolerance terhadap plagiarisme. Semua manuskrip yang dikirimkan akan diperiksa untuk memastikan keaslian menggunakan perangkat lunak pendeteksi plagiarisme.
- Plagiarisme dalam segala bentuknya—termasuk plagiarisme diri—tidak dapat diterima dan akan mengakibatkan penolakan manuskrip.
5. Penarikan Manuskrip
- Penarikan manuskrip dapat dilakukan jika ditemukan bukti bahwa manuskrip tersebut melanggar etika publikasi, seperti plagiarisme, manipulasi data, atau konflik kepentingan yang tidak diungkapkan.
- Prosedur penarikan harus dilakukan dengan transparansi penuh, dan pengumuman penarikan akan diterbitkan di jurnal untuk menginformasikan kepada komunitas ilmiah.
Publication Frequency
Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan Indonesia (JIKI) currently publishes two issues per year, in March and September, with each issue containing at least 7 articles.
Starting in 2025, JIKI will continue to publish two issues annually, with the publication periods updated to January-June and July-December editions. Each issue will maintain a minimum of 7 articles per issue.
Plagiarism Policy
Articles submitted to the Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan Indonesia (JIKI) will undergo an initial screening to detect plagiarism using plagiarism detection software and Google-based search engines. The decision to proceed with the manuscript to the next stage of the review process is heavily dependent on the originality of the content and the similarity index of the submitted article with other previously published works.
JIKI encourages a maximum similarity index of 20%. Manuscripts exceeding this threshold may be returned to the authors for revision or may be rejected, depending on the extent and nature of the similarities detected.
Withdrawal of Manuscripts
The author is not allowed to withdraw submitted manuscripts, because the withdrawal is waste of valuable resources that editors and referees spent a great deal of time processing submitted manuscript, money, and works invested by the publisher. If the author still requests withdrawal of his/her manuscript when the manuscript is still in the peer-reviewing process, the author will be punished with paying Rp. 350.000/ manuscript, as a withdrawal penalty to the publisher.
If the author doesn't agree to pay the penalty, the author and his/her affiliation will be blacklisted for publication in this journal. Even, his/her previously published articles will be removed from our online system.
The paper published in Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan Indonesia (JIKI) will be considered to be retracted in the publication if:
- They have clear evidence that the findings are unreliable, either as a result of misconduct (e.g. data fabrication) or honest error (e.g. miscalculation or experimental error).
- The findings have previously been published elsewhere without proper cross-referencing and permission or justification (i.e. cases of redundant publication).
- It constitutes plagiarism.
- It reports unethical research.
Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan Indonesia (JIKI) is committed to maintaining the accuracy and integrity of all articles published. We understand that errors can occur during the writing and publishing process, and we have a policy in place to address corrections in a transparent and timely manner.
1. Types of Corrections
- Errata refer to corrections of errors made by the journal during the publishing process, such as typographical errors, formatting mistakes, or errors in article composition that do not alter the content or research findings. Errata will be published in the next issue of the journal and will be linked to the original article.
- Corrigenda are corrections made by the authors to errors found after publication that may affect the interpretation or conclusions but do not invalidate the overall research results. Corrigenda will be published in the next issue of the journal and will also be linked to the original article.
- A Retraction is issued when there is a serious error in the article that affects the validity of the entire research, such as significant methodological flaws, data fabrication, plagiarism, or other ethical violations. The retraction will be published and clearly indicated on the original article on the journal’s website.
2. Correction Submission Process
Submission by Authors:
- If authors discover an error in their published article, they should promptly contact the editor of JIKI with details of the error and an explanation of why a correction is needed.
- Authors must provide sufficient information to enable the editor and reviewers to assess the seriousness of the error and its impact on the research findings.
Review by the Editor:
- The editor will review the correction request and, if necessary, consult with the reviewers involved in the original peer-review process or additional experts.
- Based on this review, the editor will determine the appropriate type of correction (errata, corrigenda, or retraction) and inform the authors.
Publication of Corrections:
- Corrections will be published in the next issue of the journal with a clear note, and the original article will be updated with a link to the correction. Corrections will be published without any additional cost to the authors.
3. Principles of Corrections
- Transparency: All corrections will be published openly and linked to the original article to ensure that all readers have access to the updated information.
- Timeliness: Corrections will be handled as quickly as possible to minimize the impact of errors on the scientific literature.
- Independence: The decision to publish a correction will be based on an objective assessment of the seriousness of the error, without regard to the reputation of the authors or the institutions involved.
Self-deposit Policy
Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan Indonesia (JIKI) encourages and supports the self-archiving of published articles by authors in institutional repositories, personal websites, or other academic platforms. This policy aims to increase the visibility, accessibility, and impact of research published in JIKI while maintaining the integrity and citation of the original published work.
1. Pre-Print Version
- Definition: A pre-print is the version of the article before it has been peer-reviewed and accepted for publication in JIKI.
- Policy: Authors may deposit only the abstract of the pre-print version in any repository or on personal websites at any time. The abstract should include a statement that the full manuscript has been submitted for peer review to JIKI and is under consideration for publication.
2. Post-Print Version
- Definition: A post-print is the version of the article after it has been peer-reviewed and revised according to the reviewers' comments, but before it has been formatted and published by JIKI.
- Policy: Authors may deposit the post-print version in institutional repositories or on personal websites after the manuscript has been accepted for publication. This version should include a statement such as: "This is the peer-reviewed version of the following article: [Full Citation], which has been published in final form at [DOI link to the published article]."
3. Publisher’s Version (Version of Record)
- Definition: The publisher's version is the final, published version of the article that appears in JIKI, including all formatting and typesetting by the journal.
- Policy: Authors are permitted to deposit the publisher's version (PDF) of their article in institutional repositories or on personal websites 12 months after publication (embargo period). The deposited version should include a full citation and a link to the official version of the article on the JIKI website.
4. Conditions for Self-Deposit
- All self-deposited versions must include a clear citation of the original publication in JIKI.
- The deposited material must not be altered or modified from the accepted and published versions, except as allowed by the repository's formatting requirements.
- Authors should not charge for access to the self-deposited versions of their articles.
5. Compliance
- JIKI encourages authors to comply with institutional or funder open access mandates by following this self-deposit policy.
- Authors who deposit their work according to this policy will ensure that their research is widely disseminated and that the original publication in JIKI is properly credited.
AI-Assisted Research and Writing Policy
Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan Indonesia (JIKI) recognizes the increasing role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in research and academic writing. While these tools can be valuable in various aspects of research and manuscript preparation, it is essential to ensure that their use adheres to ethical standards and does not compromise the quality or integrity of the research.
1. Permissible Use of AI Tools
- Data Analysis: Authors are permitted to use AI tools for data analysis, provided that the use of such tools is clearly disclosed in the manuscript. The authors must also ensure that the results generated by AI tools are validated and interpreted accurately.
- Language and Grammar Assistance: AI tools can be used to assist with language editing and grammar checks. However, the authors are responsible for ensuring that the content remains accurate and that the use of such tools does not introduce any errors or biases.
- Literature Search: AI tools may be employed to assist with literature searches and citation management. The authors should verify the accuracy and relevance of the references suggested by AI tools.
2. Prohibited Use of AI Tools
- Content Generation: The use of AI tools for generating substantial parts of the manuscript text, such as generating research hypotheses, writing significant sections of the paper, or creating content that is passed off as original work by the authors, is prohibited. The intellectual contribution of the authors must be clear and significant.
- Plagiarism Detection: While AI tools may be used to assist with plagiarism detection, it is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that all sources are properly cited and that the manuscript adheres to the journal's plagiarism policy.
3. Disclosure Requirements
- AI Tool Usage Disclosure: If AI tools were used in any part of the research or manuscript preparation process, this must be disclosed in the manuscript. Authors should provide details on which AI tools were used, how they were used, and the extent of their contribution to the final manuscript.
- AI Authorship: AI tools cannot be listed as authors of the manuscript. Authorship should be limited to individuals who have made a substantial intellectual contribution to the work.
4. Ethical Considerations
- Bias and Fairness: Authors must ensure that the use of AI tools does not introduce bias into the research. This includes verifying that AI-generated results are fair, accurate, and representative of the data.
- Data Privacy: The use of AI tools must comply with data privacy laws and ethical guidelines. Authors must ensure that sensitive data is handled appropriately and that AI tools do not compromise the confidentiality of the research data.
5. Editor and Reviewer Guidelines
- Evaluation of AI-Generated Content: Editors and reviewers should be aware of the potential use of AI tools in manuscript preparation and should evaluate the content to ensure that it meets the journal’s standards for originality and intellectual contribution.
- Assessment of AI Disclosure: Editors and reviewers should check that authors have disclosed the use of AI tools and have provided sufficient information to understand their impact on the research and manuscript.
Author Fee
This journal charges the following author fees.
Article Submission: 0.00 (IDR)
Artikel yang telah submit dan melewati proses review tidak dipungut biaya.
Article Publication: 500.000.00 (IDR)
The article that finished the review and is successfully published will be charged Rp. 500.000
Please only contact the editor at jik.fikesumt@gmail.com for confirmation and further information. However, JIKI does not accept manuscript submission through email.
Waiver Policy
At Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan Indonesia (JIKI), we recognize that some authors may face financial constraints, particularly those without access to institutional funding. To support the dissemination of high-quality research, we offer waivers on article publication charges (APCs) under specific conditions.
Eligibility for Waiver:
Waivers are provided to authors who lack access to institutional funding, whether from the institution where they are employed or other sources. Additionally, the manuscript must be deemed to have significant potential to contribute to the field of nursing science.
Amount of Waiver:
The standard waiver amount offered by JIKI is 30% of the article publication fee. This waiver is granted after carefully considering the author's request and the quality of the submitted manuscript.
Independence of Waiver Decisions:
The decision to grant a waiver is entirely independent of the editorial decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript. The quality and scientific merit of the manuscript remain the primary criteria for publication, and the financial status of the author will not influence the editorial process.
If you believe you qualify for a waiver based on the criteria outlined above, please contact the editor at jik.fikesumt@gmail.com for confirmation and further information. However, please note that manuscript submissions via email are not accepted.