Yudi Nur Supriadi


This study aims to analyze the variables of strategy implementation of
generic learning strategies to the sustainability variables of SMEs
business, this study provides a good understanding of theoretical and
managerial steps that are not done by entrepreneurs of SMEs. The
success of the business will be ensured to survive in the midst of
industrial processing and weakening the economy both regionally and
globally. Example of study 170 SMEs using SME cluster system in the
processing industry in Banten Province. Data processing techniques using
questionnaires. To test the predefined relationship model, the researcher
uses a 23.00 analysis tool that can be used together (AMOS). The
variables generated from the generic strategies of competitive strategies
against the significant variables of MSME sustainability and have a
positive effect on the sustainability of SMEs business. This research can
give meaning for the sustainability of UMKM business in order to survive
in global competition with big industry today and future

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