Rancang Bangun Sistem Kendali Operasional Boiler Berbasis Web Data Logger LAN dan PLC Pada PT. XYZ
This research aims to design a monitoring and control system architecture operations previously conventional
boiler into remote access using a data logger applications as data acquisition, using a corporate LAN network
as communication’s media and PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) as the control brain. This research is
realized by making the control circuit, and configuration of hardware devices and software related web data
logger system. Design process is done with the installation of the supporting device, the manufacture of panels,
mounting transducer which serves as input monitoring and modulating control. This design is applied to the
boiler at one plant which is controlled by the PLC, while web data logger that will monitor and store all
operational activities and processes that occur. Data can be accessed using a computer (server) that is connected
to a LAN network that allows multiple computers (client) that connects the same LAN network can perform
operations such as on the server’s computer using the VNC viewer software application. The results show the
design of the boiler activity can be monitored and controlled from a computer with the apperance in the form of
tables and charts, while data storage results in a CSV file fomat.
Keywords: Boiler, Web Data Logger, PLC, LAN Communication, CSV File.
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PDFDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31000/jte.v1i1.640
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