The Development of E-Book Using Flip Pdf Pro Through Missouri Mathematics Project Model to Improve Metacognition Abilities and Mathematical Self-Efficacy of Dharma Pancasila Medan High School Students

Dichi Akbar Wahyudi, M Amin Fauzi, Faiz Ahyaningsih


This research aims to describe: 1) The validity, practicality and effectiveness of e-books using flip pdf pro through the Missouri Mathematics Project (MMP) learning model which was developed to improve metacognition abilities and mathematical self-efficacy of SMA Dharma Pancasila Medan students; 2) Increasing students metacognition abilities with e-books using flip pdf pro through the developed MMP learning model; 3) Increasing students mathematical self-efficacy with e-books using flip pdf pro through the developed MMP learning model. This research is development research using the ADDIE development model with a modification of Tessmer formative evaluation. This development model consists of 5 development stages, namely: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. From the results of trial I and trial II, it was obtained: 1) E-book using flip pdf pro through the MMP learning model which was developed to improve students metacognition abilities and mathematical self-efficacy which was developed and met the criteria of being valid, practical and effective; 2) Increasing metacognition abilities with e-books using flip pdf pro through the MMP learning model that has been developed as seen from the N-gain value in trial I of 0.65, increasing to 0.74 in trial II, meaning it is in the category of " medium” to “high”; and 3) Increasing the mathematical self-efficacy of e-book students using flip pdf pro through the MMP learning model that has been developed as seen from the N-gain value in trial I of 0.36, increasing to 0.45 in trial II, meaning it is within "medium" category.


E-book; ADDIE; Missouri Mathematics Project; Metacognition; Self-Efficacy

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