Hilma Yuliawati, Barra Purnama Pradja, Dian Nopitasari


This study aims to: 1) Explain the process of developing Sevima Edlink web-based learning media, 2) Know the effectiveness of Sevima Edlink web-based learning media. This research has a background of problems in student learning outcomes in the post-pandemic that are unsatisfactory where the cause of this is the lack of student interest in learning provided by educators. This research is a 4-D model development research developed by Thiagarajan which was modified by the author into 3-D. This research was conducted on the object of research, namely class X high school students at the Islamic Center High School. This learning media is declared effective in improving students' mathematics learning outcomes as evidenced by the assessment results of experts: 1) Material expert validation obtained a score of 32 with an average score of 9.7 included in the Valid category with a percentage obtained is 80%, 2) Media expert validation obtained a score of 37 with an average score of 11.08 including the Very valid category with a percentage obtained is 92.5%,  3) Validation of education experts obtained a score of 78 with an average score of 23.33 including the Very Valid category with a percentage obtained was 97.5%, in addition to the practicality assessment by students who got an overall score of 1342 with an overall average of 33.55 included in the Very Practical category with a percentage of 83.87% and also the results of pretest and posttest conducted on students had an average increase of 6.77%.

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