This study aims to find out and answer the question of the influence of blended learning on the Google Classroom application on students' understanding of mathematical concepts. The design in this study uses pre-experimental, one form of the pre-experimental method used is One Group Pretest Posttest Design which is analyzed quantitatively. The method for sampling used is by using the Total sampling technique. The subjects in this study were grade VII students of Aya Sophia Islamic School Business Junior High School totaling 25 students. The instrument used by researchers is in the form of an instrument test for understanding mathematical concepts. Based on the results of the data obtained, the highest score on the Pretest instrument is 90 with the lowest value is 20 with an average of 60.4 while the results of the highest value of the Posttest instrument are 100 with the lowest value is 50 with an average of 81.4. With calculations using the t test, a t count of 5.320 > t table 2.069 was obtained. so that H1 is accepted, which means that there is a positive influence on the application of blended learning in the Google Classroom application on the understanding of mathematical concepts of students at SMP Bisnis Aya Sophia Islamic School, Tangerang, Banten.
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