Rahanee Tehsa, Miss Deela Sinur


Online teaching and learning is a new norm in the education system. Now almost the whole world has undergone online teaching and learning. This study aims to identify the attitude and level of motivation of students majoring in Malay to learn standard Malay online. In addition, this study also states the factors that encourage the attitude and motivation of students majoring in Malay to learn standard Malay online. A total of 30 students majoring in Malay were used as study subjects. This study uses a quantitative method in the form of a survey, and the data is analyzed using descriptive statistics to obtain mean values, standard deviations, frequencies and percentages. The findings of this study prove that the attitude and level of motivation of students majoring in Malay are at a moderate level, which is X᷄= 3.27 and S.D. = 0.104 and X᷄= 3.47 and S.D = 0.107. Four main factors drive students' attitudes and motivation levels: the internet, the environment or atmosphere, learning methods and technology tools such as computers, laptops, smartphones and tablets/iPads. This preliminary study was able to highlight some issues related to the attitude and level of motivation of students and also identified the factors that drive the attitude and level of motivation of students majoring in Malay in learning standard Malay online. This study is important and can be used by all parties, whether teachers or researchers, to improve the attitude and level of motivation of students majoring in Malay in learning Standard Malay.

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