Fahrudin Fahrudin, Bambang Ariyanto


The purpose of this research is to develop mathematics teaching materials based on Realistic Mathematic Education (RME). The research method used is the Development Research method with a model from Dick and Carey which includes ten stages: Analysis of learning needs and objectives, analyzing learning, analyzing learners and the environment, formulating performance goals, developing instruments or test instruments, developing learning strategies, developing and selecting learning materials, designing and implementing formative evaluations, revising learning and designing and implementing summative evaluations. This research was conducted at SDN in Batanghari District. The results showed an increase in student learning outcomes using this RME-based mathematics teaching material. This can be seen in the pretest average score of 50.56 and the posttest average score of 83.60 where there is an increase of 33.05. The successful use of RME-based mathematics teaching materials is also supported by the active participation of students, teacher creativity, and linking daily activities so that it can be used as a medium for learning mathematics, especially the subject matter of the KPK and FPB.

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