This writing aims to determine the relationship between student anxiety and understanding of mathematical concepts. This research uses a quantitative approach with a survey method. The analysis used in this survey method is correlation analysis. The population in this study were all VIII grade students of Dharma Siswa Junior High School totaling 207 students. Then the sample studied was 35 students from class VIII D. The selection of this sample class used the purpose sampling method. Data collection techniques using non-test instruments (questionnaires) and essay tests. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant negative relationship between student anxiety and understanding of mathematical concepts as much as -0.735, the negative relationship in question is if the level of student anxiety is higher, then the level of understanding of mathematical concepts of students will be lower and vice versa if the level of student anxiety is low, then the understanding of mathematical concepts of students will also increase. The t-test results show that the value of tcount ≥ ttabel with a value of 6,227 > 2.034 then rejected and accepted. Thus it can be concluded that there is a relationship between anxiety and understanding of mathematical concepts.
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