Vol 12, No 2 (2024)


Table of Contents


Key Considerations on the Authority of the Commercial Court and the State Court in Debt Qualification
Abdul Hakim Marpaung, Sunarmi Sunarmi, Robert Robert
DOI : 10.31000/jhr.v12i2.11491
Abstract views : 43 times | Download PDF - 48 times
Comparation of Presidential Institutions Between Indonesia and South Korea
Roosdiana Harahap, Sodikin Sodikin
DOI : 10.31000/jhr.v12i2.9865
Abstract views : 4 times | Download
The Effectiveness of Witness and Victim Protection Institutions as Non-Structural Institutions
Yulius Kartikojati, Dwi Pratiwi Markus, Hadi Tuasikal
DOI : 10.31000/jhr.v12i2.11771
Abstract views : 4 times | Download
Empirical Examination of the Prospects and Challenges of the State Policing System in Nigeria
Oluwaseye Oluwayomi Ikubanni, Oluwaseye Thompson Adeboye, Alade Adeniyi Oyebade, Aderemi Olubunmi Oyebanji
DOI : 10.31000/jhr.v12i2.11280
Abstract views : 11 times | Download
Instream Flow Rights for Protecting River Ecology in Nigeria's Bitumen Zone: Learning From Uganda's Experience
Adedoyin Olusegun Akinsulore, Oluwadamilola Adebola Adejumo, Paul Atagamen Aidonojie
DOI : 10.31000/jhr.v12i2.11142
Abstract views : 26 times | Download
A Juridical Review of Transgender Heirs from the Perspective of Islamic Law and Civil Law
Fathiyyah Jamil Fathin, Ismail Koto
DOI : 10.31000/jhr.v12i2.12312
Abstract views : 8 times | Download PDF - 12 times
Consumer Protection for Bank Customers in Standard Clause Agreements
Sitti Khairunisa Burhanuddin, Fokky Fuad, Nizla Rohaya, Aris Machmud
DOI : 10.31000/jhr.v12i2.10756
Abstract views : 76 times | Download
Criminal Liability for People of Physical Abuse by Children
Muhammad Faisal Risdianto
DOI : 10.31000/jhr.v12i2.10761
Abstract views : 28 times | Download