Ellysa Kusuma Laksanawati, Desy Rosarina, Abdul Khoir


Mold Gapping Machine is one of the first machines in zipper product in manufacturing process. To competition with other zipper manufactures, PT. IDEAL FASTANER INDONESIA must able to make good product using Gapping Machine itselft so quality product, maintenance and repair machine must be routinely aware, that make components fuction properly. Maintenance and repair also have affect to components quality that durable and long lasting usage. Product quality can also be seen from the number of defect products produced. After finding defect products, the next step is to analyze the cause using Fishbone Diagram. After cause of defect products found, the solution can be taken. When it refer to machine, there is a need for engine to maintenance. Maintenance is an activity to maintain production facility and hold repairs or need improvements so the production process can run well. Preventive maintenance can be done as prevention of defact that will occur during the production process. Research at PT. IDEAL FASTANER INDONESIA aims to find out defects and maintenance of Gapping Machine with good and correct steps to prevent errors when operating machine. The type of defects from Mold Gapping Machine, obtained the most defect on zipper product is squashedteeth, the solution can be seen from machine, human, method and material factors. Problems with Mold Gapping Machine can be solve by maintenance of Mold Gapping Machine.
Keywords: Mold Gapping Machine, Zipper, Precentive Maintenance, Fishbone Diagram, Defect

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