Widi Hastomo, Andri Meiriki, Ahmad Eko Saputro


The purpose of this research is more directed to the analysis of regional financial capacity by looking at the degree of decentralization and the ratio of regional financial dependence and the ratio of regional financial independence. These three forms of analysis will show whether an autonomous region is able to stand fully by relying on its own regional financial capacity. Type of research is secondary data analysis, horizontal and vertical analysis methods are used, the research location was selected purposively, namely the city of Bogor. The data used are institutional administrative data, namely the Bogor City Government, consisting of the Regional Budget and Revenue Expenditure reports and the 2015-2019 Regional Government Implementation Report, as well as regional financial data contained in the report of the Bogor City Central Statistics Agency for 2015-2019. The results of this study; (a) the calculation of the ratio of the degree of decentralization is categorized as moderate, (b) the dependence of regional finances for 5 years is above 50%, this means that the city of Bogor in terms of high dependence on the central government, (c) the city of Bogor can be categorized as moderate in its independence ratio

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