Penerapan Internet Of Things Pada Prototype Smart Hangar Berbasis Nodemcu Esp8266
In aircraft structures, many use aluminum alloy materials. Cases of damage often occur due to excessive and repeated loads and vibrations experienced during flight, others are caused by barely perceptible impact. To improve the efficiency of the maintenance performance of a smart hangar with the Internet of Things is proposed in this article. This is of course based on the quality of the hangar maintenance and the completeness of the hangar facilities. The Nodemcu Esp8266 component is a component that can be connected to the internet. The smart hangar based on Nodemcu ESP8266 which is connected to the internet aims to simplify the design process according to what is used for direct testing in the field so as to reduce the risk of failure. The method used in this research is experimental. Based on the results of the system design can work well in accordance with the specifications used.
Keywords: Arduino Uno, NodeMCU ESP8266, Smart Hangar, Smart System.
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