Sanudi Sanudi, Khasani Khasani, Fauzun Fauzun


Kandungan kalor uap panas bumi dapat digunakan sebagai fluida pemanas preheating pada tahap awal proses pirolisis. Pemanfaatan panas steam pada tungku model silinder konsentris menggunakan prinsip penukar kalor pipa ganda dengan kapasitas isi 10 kg. Perancangan tungku dikerjakan dengan software CAE Autodesk Inventor. Material tungku menggunakan bahan dasar stainless-steel grade 310 karena bersifat noncorrosive, heat resistance, tingkat fleksibilitas desain, tekanan operasi dan suhu yang tinggi. Tujuan perancangan untuk mendapatkan inovasi model tungku yang mampu menangkap kalor steam dengan menggunakan ANSYS Fluent Meshing bentuk poly-hexcore yang mengacu pada nilai skewness dan orthogonal quality yang baik. Hasil perancangan diperoleh bahwa tungku memiliki model silinder konsentris dengan lebar celah sebesar 5 cm berupa ruang kosong sebagai domain fluida tempat mengalirnya steam. Insulator tungku pada dinding luar menggunakan material fiber setebal 10 cm. Hasil uji meshing menunjukkan bahwa rerata surface quality pada skewness bernilai excellent 0.007 dan rerata orthogonal quality bernilai very good 0.93.

Kata Kunci: uap panas bumi, preheating, tungku, silinder konsentris, perancangan

Geothermal heat steam could be used as a preheating fluid in the early stages of the pyrolysis process. The utilization of steam heat in a concentric cylinder furnace used the principle of a double pipe heat exchanger with a capacity of 10 kg. The design was conducted by CAE Autodesk Inventor. The material of furnace came from stainless-steel grade 310, because of its non-corrosive, heat resistance, high flexibility, high operation temperature and pressure. The objective of the design was to innovate a furnace that was capable of capturing steam heat by using ANSYS Fluent Meshing in a polyhexcore model which refered to good skewness and orthogonal quality values. The results showed that the model of a concentric cylindrical furnace had a slit width of 5 cm in the form of empty space as a fluid domain where steam flowed. The insulation of the furnace had a thickness of 10 cm from fiber material. The result from the meshing test showed that the average surface quality in skewness was excellent at 0.007 and the average orthogonal quality was very good at 0.93.

Keywords: geothermal steam, preheating, concentric cylinder, furnace, design

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