Kata Kunci: Nyeri, persalinan, metode, komplementer
Normal labor pain occurs for every woman who will give birth, but each individual shows a different response. If pain is allowed to affect the condition of the mother in the form of fatigue, worry, fear and cause stress so that it increases pain and can affect the birth process. So, it is necessary to review complementary methods, including music therapy, aroma therapy, back massage, gym ball techniques, relaxation techniques, combined massage, birth ball and dhikr to reduce labor pain, inhalation aromatherapy using lavender essential oil, using massage techniques. counterpressure, Transcutaneous Nerve Electrostimulation (TENS). The method of this research is a literature study with a systematic search of computerized databases (PubMed, EBSCO, Elsevier, Google Scholar. The study results reveal that labor pain can be reduced by various complementary methods because it is easy, inexpensive, minimal risk and an alternative to reducing labor pain.
Keywords: Pain, childbirth, methods, complementary
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