Kata kunci: hipogram, kajian intertekstualitas, intrinsik, novel
This study aims to determine the intertextual similarities of intrinsic elements of themes, main characters and characterizations, as well as the setting between the novel TLM by Arif YS published in 2016 and the novel BBB by Habiburrahman published in 2017. In this study, a qualitative approach was used with the content analysis method. Data collection techniques are documentation studies, read and record. Researchers as instruments use the analysis table of intertextuality studies of intrinsic elements of themes, main figures and characterizations, place, time and social settings in analyzing data. The results showed the similarity of themes, main characters and characterizations, as well as the setting, namely: 1) the similarity of the theme of "maintaining chastity", 2) the characterization of the main characters is equally "intelligent and religious", 3) the setting of the place is equally in the pesantren and the time is morning and night, the two main characters of each novel both have distinguished people's fathers. Based on the year of publication, the novel TLM by Arif YS was used as a foundation/hypogram in the novel BBB by Habiburrahman.
Keywords: hypogram, intertextuality studies, intrinsic, novel
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31000/sinamu.v4i1.7921
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