Kata Kunci: Manggis, Hilirisasi, Kelayakan Proyek
Pekalongan Regency as one of the strategic areas of Central Java Province has an inequality problem between the northern and southern regions with Williamson indeks of 0.83 and an unemployment rate of 4.51%. The research aims to determine the number of workers absorbed from the investment plan for the mangosteen commodity downstream program as a leading commodity in Pekalongan Regency. The results showed that by using revenue and cost analysis of 9 mangosteen commodity downstream programs, a value of >1 was produced, which means that the planned mangosteen downstream program is profitable for investors. Then by analyzing the feasibility of the project, the benefit cost ratio (BCR) is 14.1, the net present value (NPV) is 2.3 trillion rupiah, the internal rate return (IRR) is 0.09, the return on investment (RoI) ) by 27% so that the downstream program is considered profitable. By calculating the elasticity of employment opportunities, a value of 1.47% is obtained and the assumption of economic growth is 7%, so the number of workers absorbed is 70,600 new workers. The conclusion of this study is that by increasing the GRDP of the mangosteen commodity processing industry sector by 1%, there will be an increase in the number of new jobs by 1.47%, the mangosteen commodity downstream program in Pekalongan Regency is expected to overcome the problem of unemployment and reduce inequality..
Keywords: Mangosteen, Downstream, Project Feasibility
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