Journal History

1. Journal of Government and Civil Society (JGCS), first published through Volume 1 No.1 (2017) with 6 Articles.

2. In Volume 1 No.1 and No. 2 (2017), the Journal of Government and Civil Society (JGCS) has not used the online article review system through OJS. The review system is done online via email.

3. Since Volume 2 No. 1 (2018), the Journal of Government and Civil Society (JGCS) has conducted an online review mechanism through OJS, but the review process is carried out by the editorial board because we do not yet have a peer-reviewer.

4. Started from Volume 2 No. 2 (2018) the entire article publication process is done online through OJS from the submission process to publication, and the review process is gradually being improved in quality by involving peer-review experts in the scope of Government Science and Civil Society.