Asrori Mukhtarom, Priyo Susilo


There are thousands of verses in the Koran, and many verses have been discussing the definition, meaning, purpose, and form of a state. By way this essence, it is clear that the Qur'an also considers the importance of the existence of a state for human being. Furthermore, his fact also states that for people who believe in the Qur‟an must have attention and responsibility for the development of a state. According to the Qur‟an, the term "a state" is common in relation to al-Balad, Baldah, al-Qaryah, al-QurâN, ad-Dâr, and ad-Diyâr. The main purpose or goal of a state, according to the perspective of the Quran, is written and discussed in several surahs and verses as well, for example in surah al-Hadid verse 25, which says that people must always uphold justice. It was also mentioned in surah al-Hajj verse 41
which says that a state is a structure, mechanism or guidance for achievement, is a human who lives in this world and in the day after tomorrow. In addition, in the surah Hud verse 61, the Qur'an states that the main purpose and goal of a state is to create public welfare. On the other hand, in relation to the form and system of a state, those two things are not mentioned in the Qur'an in a straight way. However, the Qur‟an only talks about values that can be a basic idea in life as a shared ivilization in society. For example, the value of freedom discussed in sulah al-Baqarah verse 256. This verse tells about the importance of unity as a human being.
Especially in surah al-Hujurat verse 10 which tells about making relations as a human in society. In addition, the value of justice is also stated in Surah an-Nisa verse 58. Furthermore, equality is also discussed in surah al-Hujurat verse 13. These values have been applied by our prophet Muhammad PUBH, when he led Medina as a state that had different characteristics and ways of thinking at the time, and finally, he did very well in leading a country 

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