Syukron Sazly, Dirgahayu Erri, Indra Prana, Intan Kusuma Dewi


This study aims to examine the financial challenges faced by PT Garuda Indonesia (Tbk) between 2021 and 2023, focusing on its efforts in debt restructuring and business transformation, as well as the impact of these initiatives on its financial recovery. Using a descriptive research approach, the study analyzes quantitative data, including the Springate S-Score model, which assesses bankruptcy risk by evaluating key financial ratios. The findings show that Garuda experienced severe financial distress in 2021, reflected in a significantly low Springate S-Score, indicating a high likelihood of bankruptcy. Although there was a brief recovery in 2022, the score dropped again in 2023, signaling continued financial risks primarily due to high debt levels and operational inefficiencies. The research identifies that the airline's issues stemmed from excessive leasing costs, poor financial oversight, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on air travel. While debt restructuring and business transformation efforts, including streamlining operations and expanding revenue sources, showed positive outcomes, the Springate S-Score still highlights the company's vulnerability. The Springate S-Score and relevant financial ratios for PT Garuda Indonesia from 2019 to 2024, with all years classified under "Financial Distress." The ratios (A, B, C, and D) represent key financial metrics, and the S-Score (Z) is used to evaluate the company's bankruptcy risk. To improve its financial standing and Springate S-Score, recommendations include intensifying debt restructuring efforts by negotiating better terms with creditors, exploring alternative financing options like equity issuance or bond offerings, and leveraging government support to enhance liquidity. Additionally, accelerating digital transformation, improving operational efficiencies, and fostering customer loyalty through tailored services are critical for long-term sustainability. Regular performance reviews and transparent communication with stakeholders will be key to rebuilding trust and securing the company’s future.


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