Perhitungan Harga Pokok Produksi melalui Metode Full Costing untuk Penetapan Harga Jual Produk Pet Feeder

Frena Fardillah, Restu Singgih


Development world effort and world industry this modern era experience enough development _ fast , wrong one impact fast development in world effort that is the number of perpetrators continuous effort continuously popping up both Micro and Small Enterprises Medium (MSME) and company big . Calculation price tree production very play a role important in determination price sell a product so that price offered _ could compete with perpetrator other effort , lack experience and knowledge in field accountant cost , usually perpetrator effort micro small and medium in calculation cost price tree production nor price tree sale based on estimate or estimation course . Study this aim for knowing price tree production with use method full cost To use determine price sell product pet feeders . Study this use method full cost is method determination cost production that counts all element cost production into the cost production consisting of from cost ingredient raw , cost power work , cost overheads . After conducted calculation a number of cost like cost ingredient raw , cost power work and cost overhead factory , then produce price tree production and price tree sales , on determination price selling per business unit micro small and medium icung suck lovebirds set 20% profit from price per unit already calculated with use method full cost.

Keywords: Price tree production , full costing , pet feeder, UMKM, price tree sale

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