Ali Jufri


This study aims to describe and interpret the effect of compensation and job satisfaction on commitment of lecturers at Muhammadiyah University of Cirebon. This research was conducted using a survey method. As the population is merely 257 employees which is more 100 (one hundred) people, the research was a sample study. In addition, the object of this study is 51 (fifty one) employees. There are three conclusions that can be taken: (1) There is a significant and positive influence between compensation to lecturer commitment. The significance of the effect of compensation on lecturer commitment can be seen from the result of the t test which the t count is 8,377> 1,677 then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. The determination index is adjusted by 58,9% and the remaining 41,1% is influenced by other unexamined factors. (2) There is a significant and positive influence between job satisfaction and lecturer commitment. The significance of the effect of job satisfaction on lecturer commitment is evidenced by the t test which is calculated at 6.884> 1.677 so Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. The determination index is adjusted by 49.2% while the remaining 51.8% is influenced by other unexamined factors. (3) There is a significant and positive effect between compensation and job satisfaction on lecturer commitment. This can be proven by the F test which is the calculated F value of 47,624> 3,18 and the determination index value adjusted 66.5% 33.5% is influenced by other unexamined factors.

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