Journal History
- 2017. The first edition of Nyimak: Journal of Communication is published in print and online. Articles published in this edition (Volume 1 Number 1) are published without a review process. Since the first publication, Nyimak: Journal of Communication has been listed on several national and international index.
- 2017. Articles published in Volume 1 Number 2 have gone through a review process by email. This edition was published in December, two months late than the scheduled publication (September). In this edition, we have submitted our articles to Crossref to have DOI. However, DOI on volume 1 was not detected, due to a change from https to http.
- This journal publishes 12 articles in one volume
- 2018. The article publishing process has gone through a review process and there have been changes in the Author Guidelines (writing style).
- 2019. We have improved the quality of article writing. In the publication of Volume 3 Number 2, we have changed the Author Guidelines (writing style) based on advice of the assessor. We also changed the name of the journal based on the one registered at LIPI, from Nyimak (Journal of Communication) to Nyimak: Journal of Communication.